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What is Great Learning

I ask this question to everyone I start coaching. Can you look back and see everything you accomplished, or are too rooted in what you...

Teaching Others

"When one teaches, two learn." ----Robert Half We all have heard of this principle but do we apply it? I like to tell the people I mentor...

You and Boundaries

Setting a boundary and not enforcing it is worse than not setting it in the first place. Think about it: The next time you think about...

You and Your Credibility

What is credibility all about? It is the quality of being trusted and believed in; it aligns with your value and skills. Credibility is...

The polar sky

November 19, 2020 the sunset for the last time this year in the remote Alaskan city of Utqiaġvik on Wednesday, marking the start of 66...

You and the WOOP Method

I am going to tell you a scientifically tested method that works that I picked up from NJlifehacks, a great resource, I recommend. The...

Find your light bulb

Most people have heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs it is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human...

Zorba the Greek and you

If you have read the exceptional book Zorba the Greek, you can get a clue about one of the influences about my philosophy. Real happiness...

Narcissus and you

I am not sure if you ever heard of Narcissus; he was a hunter in Greek mythology, the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph...


My next blogs will go into the toxic psychological behaviors others might have that hurt peoples' self-esteem. My goal is to help you...

True or False

Quick answer these questions: Sugar makes children hyperactive We only use a small part of our total brains George Washington had wooden...

Blog: Blog2
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