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Wayne Weiner
Oct 30, 2020
In Self Help Forum
Hi, welcome to Dr. Weiner Academy! Dr. Weiner wants to change the world one person at a time. The academy is dedicated to give participants a map to follow that will give you the skills other people like you have mastered to gain success. We are going to delve into how to unwrap curiosity by asking the right questions. We’re going to look into why curiosity motivates learning, the science behind curiosity, and how you can harness it to optimize your training. Dr. Weiner believes that curiosity motivates innovation, progression and actions. The point is we are going to immerse you in a progression of learning activities that will allow you to discover and build on your best self. Not only thinking about it but giving you techniques for observing, journaling and asking the right questions. Dr. Weiner wants the participants to take time and share your thoughts. Do not rush to be as honest as you can. The act of writing it down makes it more real, more concrete. Please feel free to join the discussion! Post your thoughts, questions, and puzzles on the forum. Dr. Weiner will answer your questions.
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Wayne Weiner

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